Ahh, Sunday. Even God himself had a day off on Sunday! (according to the Bible...). So what better way to spend the most restful of days than by breaking out the retro video games!
I've always liked to play video games from older consoles ever since I discovered emulation around 15 years ago. Back then, it was only really the Gameboy Colour, Sega Megadrive and the NES that got any attention from me as my PC wasn't very powerful at that time and my knowledge of the history of games console was very limited too. Anyway, long story short, I've learned a lot about retro games and consoles over the years and I think I'd like to share...
In my world, Sunday is 'Retro Gaming Day', and ideally, I sit and play video games from days-of-yore. It is a lovely way to spend a Sunday that I've enjoyed for a number of years. In recent times though, a couple of spectators to my weekly retro-fest, namely, my kids, have taken an interest in what I'm playing. So with that in mind, I decided to show them some of the games I was enjoying when I was a young-un.
Thinking of what game to introduce the kids to first wouldn't be a problem, sifting through endless titles, trying to find one they both liked was where I had the most trouble! After many arguments, tonnes of shouting and more crying than necessary, the dispute was eventually resolved by Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to be exact.
Both sprogs liked this game, the bright colours and funky music are probably enough to attract the attention of a 5 year old and 3 year old, but the speed of the game and the 'destroying things' bit appealed to my 5 year old Son. The animals that pop out of defeated Badniks plus, "Cute little Tails" makes my 3 year old daughter laugh and ask questions about Sonic. The level design is brilliant and the simple control system makes it really easy for even the smallest of people to play. There's a nice, simple multiplayer mode too.
We all had a jolly good giggle while playing the game, then after we'd finished, we talked about the game and what we enjoyed about it. That is pretty much the inspiration for this weekly post. Every Sunday I'll play a game with the kids then write it up and eventually post it, (by Wednesday!?). I'll be waxing lyrical about a particular video game from a bygone era, but I'll only be talking about games that BOTH my kids like... They're tough critics when it comes to games.
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